
Legal structure

Frontline Development is a registered charity ref NI030093

You find full information on the N Ireland Charities Commission  website including financial information.

Frontlines legal structure is a company limited by guarantee and the directors serve as trustees

Contact information

Charity Manager Alan George

19 Robinson Road Bangor Co Down BT19 6NJ

Telephone 07878 229 185


Partnership approach

Frontline does not employ staff in India but works through a local partner - United Christian Church of India (UCCI).

The partnership began in the early 1980s and has flourished over the years due to a close working relationship based on trust, transparency and a common goal.

Frontline directors and supporters visit the work in Vijayawada regularly (at least 1 or 2 times a year).

The directors believe this partnership-based model provides the best return for the charity's investment and offers the best hope of long-term sustainability.


Child Sponsorship

You can't personally solve the world's problems but you can solve many of the problems in one person's world.

And that's exactly what child sponsorship does!

Please, contact us today and change a child's life.
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About Frontline

All Content Copyright © Frontline Development
NI Charity No. 103945


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