Child Sponsorship

There is clearly poverty everywhere but there are not the same resources and concern everywhere!

Relationships make a difference!

For thirty five years we have walked with, talked to, celebrated together and shed some tears. We have had highs and lows – bit like a marriage but the outcome has been 100’s of children from the poorest rural situations have been given a chance to change their lives through skills they may not have received. Many, not all, have gone on to further education, better jobs than they could have imagined and the cycle of poverty has been broken for them and often for their families.

Our partner United Christian Church of India (UCCI) is led by people of faith - Christian faith. Now sadly that does not guarantee anything in itself but in practice we have seem generosity, compassion, concern and may it be said LOVE. They have stood the test of time through ups and downs not least COVID which has pushed the poorest down again. For the poor any expense can be the barrier to their children being educated.

We work in a rural agricultural and quarrying area where many families relay on daily or seasonal work. Illness, marriage breakdown, growing difficulties and many other factors often lead to children being excluded from school, especially as they get older and often girls.

UCCI provide day school education, free transport, free lunch and snacks to all students. We offer preference to girls and currently they are 70% of students. The school is professional and well managed and is currently being refurbished and re-equipped for 350 students. The management and headmaster are committed both in their teaching and in their faith. As Emmi the school manager says, “why do you have to be a rich to get a good education – what can we do to give the same education to the poorest”. We like that

For £25 per month, still not a lot even on these difficult times you can join us on this journey to change young people’s opportunities. We have been on the journey for many years but for now there is still real need and also opportunity with your help!

These children are available
for sponsorship now

J Krupta Jyothi

Born 15/04/2015
Joined the school 12/06/22
In Third class

Parents are daily labourers 

K Sai Jathin

Born 12/09/25
Entered school 12/06/22
In 3rd class

Parents are agricultural labourers

Puli Joshna

Born 15/04/2015
Entered school 12/06/22
In 3rd class

Father is driver and mother agriculture labourer

Pagadala Abhisnek

Born 24/02/2018
Entered school 12/06/22
In Lower Kindergarten

Father is tractor driver and mother agriculture labourer


Child Sponsorship

You can't personally solve the world's problems but you can solve many of the problems in one person's world.

And that's exactly what child sponsorship does!

Please, contact us today and change a child's life.
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NI Charity No. 103945


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