How to sponsor a child

To fully support a child we ask you to consider a regular payment of £25.00 or more - but any payment will help our work

If you need more information please contact us at or call Alan George 07411 268 988

Alternatively consider setting up a payment by one of the methods below.

A single gift is also very welcome supporting essential and general expenses.

If you are a tax payer please complete the Gift Aid form below and increase your gift by 25%

CFC supporter - you can give through ChurchSuite

If you are currently giving to Christian Fellowship Church through Church Suite, it is easy to add a one off or regular payment

You will see a drop-down menu which includes India Frontline and you can confirm Gift Aid.


You can give one off or regular gifts using a debit/credit card with PayPal, again this is very easy and we pay very low fees as a charity. You will need to complete a gift aid form in person or by email. Just click the link on the menu on this page.

Online gifts are processed by PayPal. Frontline do not see your card details.     

Standing order

You can give a one-off gift or set up a standing order directly from your bank account. Standing orders must be initiated by you for account security

Our bank details - Frontline Development Sort code 98 00 30 account no 10405022

Gift Aid

Make your donation go further with gift aid:

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Child Sponsorship

You can't personally solve the world's problems but you can solve many of the problems in one person's world.

And that's exactly what child sponsorship does!

Please, contact us today and change a child's life.
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About Frontline

All Content Copyright © Frontline Development
NI Charity No. 103945


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